Find all trains running between Lucknow Junction (LJN) and Basti (BST). This page gives train name, train number and timing of trains operating on the Lucknow Junction - Basti route. There are 5 direct trains from Basti to Lucknow Junction which includes 3 daily trains and 1 triweekly train
01/09/41 · There are 88 trains halting at LUCKNOW NE (LJN) Railway Station. Check Arrival and Departure details, Live Trains, Availability, Prediction, Wailtlist Confirmation Chances and Fare Calculator for trains arriving and departing at LUCKNOW NE (LJN) Railway Station. Find complete time table of LUCKNOWJN (LJN) railway station. One can find station code of LUCKNOWJN. Trains arrival and departure time at this station has also been tabulated. Lucknow to Mathura Jn Lucknow Jn. Bandra Terminus Weekly Express (19022) departs from Lucknow Jn station (LJN) at 23:35 and arrives Mathura Jn station (MTJ) at 09:10. Lucknow to Mathura Jn train fare is Rs.145 in None, Rs.705 in Third AC, Rs.1005 in Second AC and Rs.265 in Sleeper for this train. 10/07/39 · LUCKNOW ~ GONDA Full Journey Onboard 12530 LJN PPTA SF Express Rescheduled by 1:30 Hours So we departed Lucknow jn at 6:30 hrs throw NER … 15/01/36 · Presently the stationfor the left over meter gage railways is Lucknow Aishbagh intersection (code ASH). Lucknow Aishbagh intersection likewise has wide range of gauge tracks. A Gist of Lucknow Railway Station (LJN) – Official code of Lucknow Junction is LJN which is one from the available two stations in Lucknow. 54 trains runs from Delhi to Lucknow. Click to check train timings, seat availability and fare. Get confirmation chances for waiting list tickets Check the detailed information about LUCKNOW NE Railway Station. If you are planning to travel to LUCKNOW NE by train, then find the Complete information about LUCKNOW NE Train Station, nearest railway stations to LUCKNOW NE , distance to LUCKNOW NE from major indian cities, list of trains from and to LUCKNOW NE , train timetable, Arrival & Departure time, Running Days etc via Native Planet.
96 صفوف · The station of the city is named as LUCKNOW NE and its station code is LJN. The station … 02/09/41 · Station Address: Kanpur Road , Charbagh, Lucknow 226004 Uttar Pradesh. India Rail Info is a Busy Junction for Travellers & Rail Enthusiasts. It also hosts a Centralized Database of Indian Railways Trains & Stations, and provides crowd-sourced IRCTC Train Enquiry Services. 02/09/41 · Station Address: Kanpur Road , Charbagh, Lucknow 226004 Uttar Pradesh. India Rail Info is a Busy Junction for Travellers & Rail Enthusiasts. It also hosts a Centralized Database of Indian Railways Trains & Stations, and provides crowd-sourced IRCTC Train Enquiry Services. 54 trains from Lucknow Ne go to New Delhi (NDLS). 5 trains from Lucknow Ne (LJN). 46 trains from Lucknow (LKO). 3 trains from Aishbagh (ASH). First train at 00:55. Last train at 23:58. 58 trains from Lucknow Ne go to Gorakhpur (GKP). 6 trains from Lucknow Ne (LJN). 16 trains from Aishbagh (ASH). 36 trains from Lucknow (LKO). First train at 00:32. Last train at 23:45. Train number 12531 is a train running between Gorakhpur and Lucknow. Gorakhpur is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Lucknow is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh.The two cities are located at a distance of 279kms. The train 12531 is named as Ljn Intercity. It takes 1 minutes to travel from Lucknow Nr Railway Station to Lucknow Ne(ljn) Railway Station. Approximate driving distance between Lucknow Nr Railway Station and Lucknow Ne(ljn) Railway Station is 1 kms or 0.6 miles or 0.5 nautical miles . Travel time refers to …
Departures from LJN/Lucknow Junction NER (6 PFs). لكهنؤ جنكشن شمال مشرقی ریلوے लखनऊ जंक्शन पूर्वोत्तर रेलवे [Chhoti Line] Track: Double The station of the city is named as LUCKNOW NE and its station code is LJN. The station takes care of all the basic amenities of the passengers. The station is well लखनऊ मंडल / Lucknow Division. पदनाम / Designation. कार्यालय /Office 31112. 2233109. DRM. अपर मंडल रेल प्रबंधक. 31101. Learn more about LUCKNOW NE railway station, and book trains starting from LUCKNOW NE from MakeMyTrip. Get timetable, and online reservation for trains LUCKNOW NE INTERCITY – 12531, GORAKHPUR JN (GKP) To LUCKNOW NE (LJN). Gorakhpur Jn (GKP) - Lucknow Ne (LJN). Book train. Train Details As others have said in answers, LJN is North Eastern Railway station, which earlier was on meter gauge network. With gauge conversation of Lucknow - Gonda - Find list of trains from Lucknow Junction with their schedule and train number at Goibibo. Lucknow Junction code is LJN.
Check the detailed information about LUCKNOW NE Railway Station. If you are planning to travel to LUCKNOW NE by train, then find the Complete information about LUCKNOW NE Train Station, nearest railway stations to LUCKNOW NE , distance to LUCKNOW NE from major indian cities, list of trains from and to LUCKNOW NE , train timetable, Arrival & Departure time, Running Days etc via Native Planet.
Find complete time table of LUCKNOWJN (LJN) railway station. One can find station code of LUCKNOWJN. Trains arrival and departure time at this station has also been tabulated. Lucknow to Mathura Jn Lucknow Jn. Bandra Terminus Weekly Express (19022) departs from Lucknow Jn station (LJN) at 23:35 and arrives Mathura Jn station (MTJ) at 09:10. Lucknow to Mathura Jn train fare is Rs.145 in None, Rs.705 in Third AC, Rs.1005 in Second AC and Rs.265 in Sleeper for this train. 10/07/39 · LUCKNOW ~ GONDA Full Journey Onboard 12530 LJN PPTA SF Express Rescheduled by 1:30 Hours So we departed Lucknow jn at 6:30 hrs throw NER … 15/01/36 · Presently the stationfor the left over meter gage railways is Lucknow Aishbagh intersection (code ASH). Lucknow Aishbagh intersection likewise has wide range of gauge tracks. A Gist of Lucknow Railway Station (LJN) – Official code of Lucknow Junction is LJN which is one from the available two stations in Lucknow. 54 trains runs from Delhi to Lucknow. Click to check train timings, seat availability and fare. Get confirmation chances for waiting list tickets Check the detailed information about LUCKNOW NE Railway Station. If you are planning to travel to LUCKNOW NE by train, then find the Complete information about LUCKNOW NE Train Station, nearest railway stations to LUCKNOW NE , distance to LUCKNOW NE from major indian cities, list of trains from and to LUCKNOW NE , train timetable, Arrival & Departure time, Running Days etc via Native Planet. Get information about trains passing through Lucknow Junction NER/LJN with schedule, route map, arrival and departure time of trains
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